Author Chat with Liz Kessler (Code Name Kingfisher), Plus Giveaway! ~ US ONLY (No P.O. Boxes)!

Today we are very excited to share an interview with author Liz Kessler!

Read on to learn more about the author, the book, and a giveaway!




Meet the Author: Liz Kessler

Liz Kessler (she/her/hers) has written over twenty books for children and young adults. Most of these are middle grade books featuring mermaids, fairies, time travel, and superpowers. Her books include the New York Times bestselling Tales of Emily Windshap series and the acclaimed When the World Was Ours. She lives in the UK.

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About the Book: Code Name Kingfisher

A young girl learns of her grandmother and great-aunt’s involvement in the Dutch Resistance during World War II in this heartbreaking middle grade story of family, history, resilience, and hope from acclaimed author Liz Kessler.

Thirteen-year-old Liv’s beloved ninety-two-year-old grandmother, Oma, is moving into a home where she can be cared for as her dementia worsens. As Liv helps her father empty Oma’s house, she finds an old chest which opens up a whole world that Liv never knew about: the hidden world of Oma’s childhood.

Through the letters and other mementos, Liv learns that Oma, given name Mila, had a sister, Eva, that no one in Liv’s family ever knew about. In 1942, Mila and Eva are sent away from their parents to a non-Jewish family so they will survive the war. Twelve-year-old Mila believes that they will soon be reunited with their parents and go back to their normal lives, but fourteen-year-old Eva knows better, and soon gets involved in the Resistance. Eva takes on more and more dangerous assignments until a betrayal forces her to decide between running away with her sister or fully committing to mission. Tragedy strikes, and Mila goes to England on her own to restart her life from scratch, vowing never to talk about her childhood again.

In the present day, Liv reads how Mila builds something new from the shattered pieces of her childhood while giving beloved Oma all the support she can. Both Liv and Mila grapple with loyalty, family, and love as they discover what it means to be brave and go above and beyond to offer someone else a life of dignity, happiness, and freedom.





~Author Chat~


YABC: What gave you the inspiration to write Code Name Kingfisher?

I was working on the research for my novel, When The World Was Ours, and in the course of my research I went to Amsterdam and discovered a lot about people in Holland who joined the Resistance movement during the war. Then I heard a program about two sisters, Truus and Freddie Oversteegen, who had joined the Dutch Resistance as teenagers. I was keen to find out more. I read all about them and was so drawn to their story. I have always written about strong young women and felt very inspired by these three.

YABC: Who is your favorite character in Code Name Kingfisher?

Hannie. She is one of the strongest characters I’ve had the privilege of writing about in more than twenty years as an author, and I felt humbled and inspired by her.


YABC: Which came first, the concept, landscape, characters, or something else?

For this book, it was the characters. I’ve had others where it has been other things, including both landscape and concept. But this was driven by the characters and their actions.


YABC: What research did you to do to write Code Name Kingfisher?

As part of a research trip in central Europe, I spent several days in Amsterdam, visiting museums – in particular Anne Frank and the Resistance Museum – and exploring the city and its history. I bought as many books as I could find on the subject, both fiction and non-fiction. And I scoured websites for facts, dates, photographs and personal stories. Once I’d completed a first draft, I found a couple of experts on Holland during the war who helped me to ensure I had got my facts right.

YABC: What’s up next for you?

The next book to come out will be a slight change of gear – the tenth Emily Windsnap book is out next year!


YABC: Which was the most difficult or emotional scene to write in Code Name Kingfisher?

(Spoiler alert) Hannie’s final scene. It was the only way for her story to end, but was so hard to go through it. I also found the reunion at the end very emotional to write. And the scene where Will has to leave his dog behind. So quite a few of them, it seems!


YABC: What is the main message or lesson you would like your reader to remember from Code Name Kingfisher?

In writing this book, I wanted to show how easily people can be led into bullying or cruel behaviour; how sometimes it’s about our desire to be part of the ‘in’ gang, and sometimes it’s about hoping that if we side with the persecutor we won’t be seen as weak and run the risk of being the bully’s next victim. I would love young people to read this book and make links for themselves between current times and the fascism of World War Two. I hope to start conversations about kindness and strength and standing up for others. Beyond that, it’s up to the readers to draw their own conclusions and figure out for themselves where they choose to stand..

YABC: If you were able to meet them, would you be friends with your main character?

I would love to be friends with Hannie. I think she would be an incredibly inspiring friend to have.


YABC: What do you do when you procrastinate?

Oh gosh, all sorts. I’m quite an expert procrastinator! I spend way too much time scrolling through funny dance and cute dog videos on Instagram! I might read or watch some trashy TV program or hang out in the garden or cuddle the dog, or a hundred other things that I don’t even realize I’m doing till I look at my watch and see that an hour has passed!


YABC: What is your favorite writing/illustrating space?

My office, where I am now. It’s light and bright, filled with lovely books, with a view of trees and flowers and a big sky.




Title: Code Name Kingfisher

Author: Liz Kessler

ISBN-13: 9781665929738

ISBN-10: 1665929731

On-sale date: Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Imprint: Aladdin

Ages: 8-12; Grades 3-7




*Giveaway Details*

Three (3) winners will receive a copy of Code Name Kingfisher (Liz Kessler) ~ US Only ( No P.O. Boxes)!


*Click the Rafflecopter link below to enter the giveaway!*


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4 thoughts on “Author Chat with Liz Kessler (Code Name Kingfisher), Plus Giveaway! ~ US ONLY (No P.O. Boxes)!”

  1. astromgren says:

    What an important story!

  2. ldittmer says:

    This looks fantastic.

  3. I love the cover and can’t wait to read this exciting book!

  4. Kristy says:

    This cover is beautiful.

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